hours after one of India’s most powerful business tycoons was charged with bribery by us authorities Kenya delivered the first blow to gutam adani’s overseas Ambitions President William Ruto ordered his ministers to scrap two deals worth $2.6 billion made with Adan companies to manage the nation’s biggest airport and high voltage power Lanes immediately cancel the ongoing procurement process [Applause] 4 days later French oil major total energies announced it would not make any fresh investments in its partnership with the conglomerate until the consequences of us bribery indictments against founder gam adani and his AIDS were understood these setbacks could be the first of many to adani’s ambitious plans for Global expansion with infrastructure projects in Vietnam Sri Lanka Bangladesh Tanzania and is the group was emerging as an alternate source of capital to China’s belt and Road initiative the conglomerates overseas Ventures Also Serve Narendra modi’s policy priorities which include loosening beijing’s grip on Asian and African countries
Bribery probe threatens Adani’s global ambitions #india #bloomberg #business 🤩