so the South Korean president Yun very dramatic fashion declared emergency martial law in his country and under pressure just a matter of hours later he was forced to backtrack so the question is what happens now for president Yun under pressure of course does he have to resign is he impeach because there there was a conversation around him potentially being impeached even before this but now very much a loss of support does he have to step down do we see new elections coming in South Korea are we in for a protracted period of political instability in South Korea and of course South Korea is a very important Ally of the US for example and so needs to be politically stable in the region when you’ve got China nearby you’ve got North Korea of course across the DMZ with with South Korea technically still at a state of war in South Korea the topic of the military the role of the military is really delicate and sensitive Decades of Martial law from time to time military rule democracy is very cherished by people in South Korea so a lot of uncertainty in the region and does this spill over as a result that’s going to be a major concern