I don’t expect that you’ll see anything before September we do have a long period now we’ve got 40 days until the next fed meeting um which actually I think is a you know reasonable period of time for the market to digest more the news I’d say the market expectation is certainly for cuts in the fall uh I’ve been more cautious around interest rate Cuts all year as you remember the market expectation early in the year was for six or seven Cuts based on the economic data we’re seeing now and the messaging from the fed you know I think it’s likely that we’ll see a cut or two in the fall um but I think you’ve still got to wait and see as things unfold and you know the economic trajectory over the next couple months and additional economic data will certainly have an impact on that but the fed’s in a position David that if the economy does soften and I think there are some data points I’ve said this repeatedly I think there are some data points that consumer behavior is softening a little bit the FED has the tools and the resources at this point to kind of bolster or cushion that