we are in the midst of the largest wealth transfer in history right at this very moment so A1 trillion of wealth is going to NextGen and Millennial clients over the next decade so that has some pretty significant implications but in addition to that women are controlling more and more Global wealth today they control a third of global wealth but in the next 5 years 30 trillion is going to pass in the hands of women and they’re going to control over 50% of the global wealth Market out there today so imagine that when we have a change and a shift to NextGen Millennial to women what happens well the preferences for women nextg and Millennials is very different women care deeply about investing with purpose investing to make an impact doing good with their investment so you’re going to see some significant opportunities for us as we lean in and have been leaning in to capturing more of the female wallet globally in addition to this increase of wealth with our female clients comes the setting up of more family offices and the need ever so more to lean in and educate our female clients around the world a to inspired to elevate to make sure that they have the right platforms for networking learning and the likes