hi everyone kevin here today i want to show you how you can properly present a powerpoint presentation in webex meetings you might be thinking really is there a right way and is there a wrong way well there really isn’t but there is a better way all too often when you join presentations in webex meetings you see people show their slideshow like this [Music] i don’t know if you noticed but there’s a ton of powerpoint chrome there you have the ribbon up at the top you have the slide sorter over on the side that’s not at all relevant to the content that you’re trying to communicate to your audience unless of course you’re a program manager at microsoft working on powerpoint and that’s what you’re talking about to your audience i’m going to show you three different techniques for how you can show your powerpoint presentation i’ll talk about the advantages and then i’ll also share some of the disadvantages i’m also going to show you what it all looks like from an attendee’s point of view because ultimately when you’re presenting you want to optimize for your attendees all right well why don’t we jump on the pc and get started here i am on my pc and i have cisco webex meetings open and i’ve already joined a meeting and one of my co-workers nestor has graciously offered to help me with this demo and yes the kevin youtube channel really is just me and nestor is really just kevin it’s just one person operating this so first off i want to show the first technique for how you could share your powerpoint presentation and it’s by far the most intuitive way first off we’re going to go down to the share control on the bottom bar let’s click on share and click on screen this will share my entire desktop screen and if we look at nestor’s screen right now you can see what he sees it truly is just my screen now i said i’d show you how you can better present a powerpoint presentation so let’s open up a presentation here’s a beautiful powerpoint presentation and like i said earlier often you’ll see people who are presenting a presentation and they’ll simply click through the slide in this interface here here i have my powerpoint presentation open and just like i was describing at the beginning when people walk through a powerpoint presentation like this you have the powerpoint ribbon on top you have all this chrome and then you see a slide sorter over on the left hand side now i really don’t think your audience cares about the drawing tools or the dictate tool or even what slides are coming up next well maybe they’re interested in what slides are coming up next but once again it all detracts from the content on the slide which is this content right here so first off if you want to make things a little better well you could reduce the ribbon by clicking on this button here that’s a little better with the slide sorter over on the side i could reduce the size of that and now my content is taking up more of the screen so that’s a step in the right direction however it’s still not perfect because i have the header i have all the different menus on the side how can we do even better to make it even better on the top ribbon let’s click on slideshow and over here you’ll see that you can start a slideshow as i hover over you’ll see that the shortcut key is f5 you can also click on that to kick off a slideshow and one icon that i use all the time that allows me to start slideshows over in the bottom right hand corner you can click on this slideshow icon and that’ll also kick off your slideshow let’s go ahead and do that this launches me into presentation mode and if we look over at nestor’s screen you’ll see now that it’s a very clean presentation there’s no powerpoint chrome there’s no slide sorter all he sees is the content and he could truly focus on the message that i’m trying to communicate one of the great things here is if i go up to the top here i could interact with my webex meeting so let’s say i want to open up my chat or let’s say i want to use any of these other controls if we look over at nestor’s screen you’ll see that he doesn’t see the chat so any of the webex controls are hidden to my audience one of the advantages of going into desktop sharing is if i want to switch content types very quickly i can very easily do that for instance let’s say i want to jump to my favorite youtube channel so i’m going to jump over oh yes it’s my youtube channel if i want to jump over very quickly to it i can do that and if we look over at nestor’s screen it immediately reflects the change in content so truly whatever i show on my screen my audience sees and especially if i’m working across many different content types this is a very good way to present now everything sounds pretty good so far why wouldn’t i just use this for all my presentations well unfortunately there are a few downsides let’s say that i want to jump into powerpoint’s presenter view i right click my mouse i go into show presenter view and this is the typical view i use to see my current slide what’s coming up next in any of my notes if we look over at nestor though he can also see all of that same content and he’s not the presenter he shouldn’t be seeing that content so unfortunately you can’t use presenter view now you might be thinking well then how do i access my powerpoint notes is there any way i can get to them and unfortunately when you’re in full screen mode you can’t so you’ll have to keep track of your notes elsewhere now one of the downsides of this view as well is you can’t simultaneously take notes unless you have a second monitor let’s say for example that i wanted to open up microsoft onenote and then type notes in that while i’m presenting my slide once again because i’m sharing my entire screen my audience will also be able to see that so that’s one downside of this approach but maybe there are other approaches that do better well let’s see i’m back in cisco webex meetings and now i’m not sharing any content next i want to show how you can share a window in webex meetings to share a window let’s once again go down to the share control on the bottom click on that and then here we could choose a window to share i want to share a powerpoint presentation so i’m going to select microsoft powerpoint and click on share now i have my powerpoint presentation window up and if we look back over at nestor’s screen once again he could see my presentation just like before i could press f5 and that will launch me into presentation mode and if we look at nestor’s screen it’s a very clean presentation this seems pretty nice what’s the difference between this and the previous option well this is truly just sharing the powerpoint presentation and nothing else this gives a little bit of extra security let’s say that you get an important message in windows or maybe you get an important email that you very quickly have to pull up nester won’t be able to see that let’s say for instance that a very important email message comes in just like this welcome to cisco webex meeting email i want to read every single detail of this if we look over at nestor’s screen he can’t see the email that’s hidden from him he can only see the powerpoint window now for nestor it’s a little awkward because if we look at his screen he sees a gray box representing where my email is on my screen now he can’t see the contents but he’s gonna know that i’m looking at some other content because that’s another piece of content that’s covering the presentation that’s one downside of this approach it’ll cover whatever content you’re sharing within the window now in a similar way let’s say that i jump out of full screen mode and maybe i move the powerpoint window that i’m sharing down to the bottom corner of my screen let’s say i have a really big monitor if we look over at nestor’s view he’s seeing the full desktop but only the window that’s being shared is visible and everything else on the desktop is not visible so even with this mode of sharing you still want to optimize for the full screen to make sure people can see it in its full detail the primary advantage though is if other content comes up for any reason you’ll have a little bit more privacy that’s when i would recommend using the share window approach so we’ve walked through full screen sharing we’ve walked through window sharing are there any other ways and yes there is a third way to share content so once again let’s go down to share at the bottom click on share and then navigate to the very bottom and click on share file when we click on share file this opens up the windows file picker dialog and now we can choose a powerpoint presentation or really any type of file that we want to share i’m going to click on this one called powerpoint presentation shortcut keys and click open i get this nasty message that calls my attention to a potential issue here it tells me that if my presentation has any animations or dynamic content that they won’t work so this approach is really as the message says good if you don’t have any animations now at least when i worked at microsoft many of the presentations that we shared didn’t have animations so this wouldn’t matter but something to keep in mind especially if you’re trying to dazzle your audience with some amazing animations once again i get another warning message here this shouldn’t affect most of your audience if say you’re connected on a pc or on a phone this won’t matter but there are some video systems or even video conferencing applications that can’t view this type of shared content so be aware of how all of your audience connects and if someone is on one of those video systems you probably want to go with one of the first two methods which is sharing your desktop or sharing a window for now though nester has a phone so we don’t have to worry about this i’m going to click on ok so i’m now sharing a powerpoint presentation and overall this looks pretty good now the nice thing with this approach is it pre-loads my powerpoint into webex meetings so if i want to jump to the next slide there’s very little latency it’s very quick to move through my presentation additionally here if i go over on the left hand side i have all these different controls for my slides i can click on the thumbnail view and this way i can see what slides are coming up and i can very quickly jump to different slides in my presentation so this is a nice way especially if i’m going to have to move throughout my presentation very quickly another nice thing too with this approach once again i could go down to share and i could share another file i’m going to click on another powerpoint presentation and let’s open this now i get the same set of warning messages and then here i see my presentation in webex meetings now the nice thing is if i want to jump between different powerpoint content types i could click up here and then i could jump between presentations very quickly this is really helpful say you have an all hands and you’re going to have a number of people presenting you could preload everyone’s deck ahead of time and then when it’s the next presenter’s turn you could simply jump over to their content one of the downsides of this approach though is here i am just sharing the files so if i wanted to jump to say a browser window or some other type of content well first off i’d have to stop sharing this and then i’d have to switch over to sharing my screen or sharing a window so it’s a little bit more involved and i have to go back through the sharing flow to share some other piece of content one thing that i like about this view is it’s really optimized for powerpoint slides this is something that’s not very discoverable but it finally lets me gain access to my powerpoint notes over here in the bottom right hand corner i can click on panel options and there you see that i can view my powerpoint notes if i click on this this opens up a panel and here i see a note that says remember to share example of coworker and so i see all of my powerpoint notes alongside my slide as i present all right well that was a quick look at three different ways that you can present powerpoint slides in webex meetings down in the comments below let me know if there’s an approach that you prefer or certain approaches that maybe you’ve never tried before and you’re going to give it a try in your next meeting if you enjoyed this video and you learned some new things please give this video a thumbs up if you want to see future content like this hit that subscribe button that way you’ll get a notification anytime new content like this comes out and lastly if you want to see me cover any other topics in the future leave a comment down below and i’ll add it to my list of videos to create all right well that’s all i had for you today i hope you enjoyed and i hope to see you next time bye you