my favorite player Garrett Wilson of the New York Jets was on Barton Han on 880 ESPN New York and I guess Allan and Bart asked him about meeting me here’s what they had to say G Wilson here with us this has been a lot of fun but I do need to ask you one thing the New York experience you at the US Open and Mike Greenberg spots you yeah and decides to look through a 19,000 seat Arena to find you and he finds you what was what was that all about man that’s awesome anytime I get to see Mike is awesome man he’s he’s uh a great dude a big time Jets fan which we need as many as we can get man but anytime you see a loyal dude like that for the Jets it’s like oh that’s a loyal guy I got to meet his son as well we got to chop it up for a while and like I said he’s a cool dude easy to CHP it up too so yeah that was cool I didn’t know I didn’t know he searched the whole Arena though I figured I wasn’t that yeah he was telling the story on his show he makes cool dudes sound current and hip too right like Garett Wilson saying cool dude sounds very different than me saying cool dude