this is fish a game where you fish a month ago zero people played it now 30 million have why to answer that question I’m going to immerse myself in it for 24 hours straight no sleeping just fishing starting ...
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oh that’s me player goes on 210 kill streak during Mar Rivals first tournament you might be asking how that’s possible even if the most fiercely contested round of Convoy racking up 210 Kos would be pretty much impossible I ...
the bill is passed and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table the house on Friday night passed a bill that will avert a government shutdown for the US federal government it took an effort from ...
I’ve turned music off Lou yo this is the though did you did you text him did you text him no it was just funny as he just did that on his own okay let me read the manual real ...
the longest run in school history Josh Adams went 98 against Wake Forest here
hello you probably have a lot of questions so I posted a teaser for the new KJ update that’s coming out tomorrow and it was very sudden it was a lot but I’ve had people ask me questions about it ...
we are witnessing the downfall of Call of Duty in real time right now and this just isn’t an exaggeration so many things are going wrong with the game the situation is going from bad to worse and so today ...