can I just get a filet mnan is that how you pronounce it oh minion fet minion two fet MN please thank you toast Miner hey Nico does it kind of seem like this is a little weird what do ...
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for you I would have done whatever and I just can’t believe we Ain together and I want to play co I’m losing you I buy you anything I buy you any ring and I’m in pieces baby fix me ...
[Music] your eyes do not deceive you it’s Friday morning at 11:00 a.m. and I’m live do you know why because I want to play Marvel Rivals wow good morning good evening good afternoon ladies and gentlemen thank you for ...
oh my God we’re playing Call of Duty but we’re not shooting we’re prop hunting oh my God [ __ ] am I what do we do how do you never actually played this uh hunting in 2 seconds all ...
game which means it’s the 12,000th of Chris Paul’s career and this seems to be a little screen roll