this guy doesn’t have a home so he lives in this vanity van as you can see when he hears the thunderstorm he gets up as soon as possible and starts closing everything he goes down and shuts the top ...
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我们来到匹诺康尼的折纸大学 采访这里的学生 近期匹诺康尼游览游客增加 能不能给外地游客提点参观校园的建议? 不好意思啊,我也刚来没多久 而且我还有任务呢,拜拜叽米! 美梦多彩,理想自由 折纸大学的学子各有所长,百花齐放 金牌吹奏部 连续25年荣获匹诺康尼器乐大赛金牌! 大导演芮克先生亲临指导! 戏剧社欢迎你的加入! 走过路过不要错过—— 这位同学,你在干嘛? 噢对呀叽米!你听说过睡蕉社吗? 社团招新了解一下! 噢!这位忍者 你所传授的可是传说中的气绝•忍法? 呃…… 对于知识的渴求,也是学子们来到折大的理由 同学,你来折纸大学想要得到什么? 没想过这种事诶……朋友们都报了 那我干脆也报折大好了 那种事情还用问吗?听好了 天才俱乐部第85席,将会是我…… 不是,整天就知道吹牛 拉帝奥教授的公开课你听了吗? 第一真理大学的交换名额你拿到了吗? 哼,天才如我 又岂是尔等庸人能够理解! …… 为此,我们特意采访了当事人拉帝奥教授 关于很多学生希望您来 担任折纸大学的客座教授这件事 您有什么想说的? 第一真理大学开设了网络课程 受教育的机会多种多样 拘泥于客座讲堂很难不认为是自我感动的表现 折纸
so how do I move on from all that I know all that I was to be someone to you take me back to December whiskey Lea seats in the back of your car stayed up talking forever watching the ...
Kalepa Ridge: The Hidden Gem of Kauai’s Na Pali Coast Nestled along the rugged Na Pali Coast of Kauai, Hawaii, lies a lesser-known gem that offers breathtaking panoramic views, thrilling hikes, and an opportunity to experience the raw beauty of the ...
so I was having a really bad solo cash [Music] TR dude what the it was bad I pretty much died every single game and near the end I had 61 points going into my last game which is the ...
The Mesmerizing Northern Lights Appear in Rural Northamptonshire, UK Last night, residents of rural Northamptonshire, UK, witnessed a rare and breathtaking spectacle – the Northern Lights, also known as the aurora borealis, made a surprise appearance in the clear skies above ...