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the models we use to forecast the weather are facing a new test climate change in a rapidly warming world they’re struggling to keep up with how the weather is evolving hurricane Milton is a case in point while they ...
Mad Dog are you excited to see some vintage Steph a arrival oh my Lord no I am not this is ridiculous Steve how about a jeans and a t-shirt I mean g w I mean look at the back ...
who wants to see something fantastic next Force burst they’ll never see me coming clear the way you have no clue how long I’ve wanted to do that neym more disappear a clear winner [Music]
I’m spending the next 24 hours logging into my subscribers fortnite accounts and upgrading them I’m going to see what they already own then I’ll spin a wheel that has upgrade prizes worth over $10,000 from getting a free emote ...
– I thought you said you were fast? I had to let you win! – Well, I did just go days with no sleep while riding- – Anyway, come on, Mufasa. Let’s get in some trouble! (upbeat music) ♪ When ...
I know for some people it’s a time for victory to State the obvious for others it’s a time of loss campaigns or contest of competing Visions the country chooses one or the other we accept the choice the country ...