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Mo V doing a good job there’s the bumping says all right let me just my little right here
today we’re sick we can’t start it that way but we’re feeling better though kind of while we were sick and rotting on the couch car looked over at me at one point and she said you won’t build something ...
[Applause] about a six-second difference between the shot clock and what’s left in the half Hunter spins Fades and hits it this first half and a big time shot to in the half a 142 run the last five and ...
wait you guys are all like 10 ping oh my God we’re locked lir B no b b lir losing no no we’re actually not losing no guys we need to go like 64 and0 today bro we can’t lose ...
don’t you worry don’t you worry bro you’re C oh wait what the heck how do I get out how do I get out how do I get out you’re a cooked bro run run run run you can’t fight ...