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your greatest accolades as an athlete so first and foremost a one of one Jeff Hamilton je uh starter jacket only for [Applause] you yes [Applause] yes yes you’re excited it’s cool you’re excited next we have a shoe to ...
we’ve done it once we can do it again oh this dude again I’ve actually seen so many posts that this guy should be cast as Steve because he looks like Steve apparently does he [Music] though I am Steve ...
this is the man waiting in the sky he’d like to come and meet us but he thinks he’d blow our minds there
[Music] you say you do to me to me oh you kiss me on the m and I’ll be like a sailor
Dùng Excel đã lâu mà không biết cái mẹo này thì đừng hỏi sao tết con rồng không đồng thửng tết nha mấy koo giờ này mà sếp da vẽ biểu đồ còn ngồi vẽ tay như thế này thì ...