this is a robbery everybody get on ground if this [ __ ] moves sh him in the eye dad I don’t want to do this you have to next week we’re buying a zebra dad there’s no time to ...
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Por qué los caballos necesitan no solo recorte de cascos sino también afeitado contrario a lo que se cree el pelo de los caballos es más grueso y denso de lo que parece durante el ejercicio en climas cálidos los ...
welcome back to Christmasy among us there is a hypnotist in the lobby and I’m the jester I don’t think this will be hard for me so there’s a hypnotist they can hypnotize other players and at a time of ...
uh guys I have some bad news uh it’s [Music] over the reason why is because the CEO and founder of Roblox Mr Builder man himself David bazooki has blocked me on Twitter I didn’t even know he used this ...
those four straight years Cleveland versus Golden State like it was literally like East Coast vers West Coast it was like it was like a rap be Golden State on the west coast and the Cavs own the East Coast ...
yeah I saw a scum nut play this mod it’s made by Garden of eyes well that’s interesting all right so you can play Harry Potter in the mega mix here that’s the only change that’s the whole mod yeah ...
all year offseason workouts in the back of your mind his face is in your head thinking about who you’re going to have to beat to get to the ultimate goal
this cat lives and breathes underwater her name is Ariel and she got that name because she loves to stare at fish so much that it seems like she wishes to be one of them so her owner decided to ...
in a world where danger lurs around every corner one person is there to keep you safe me wait if that’s you then who are you uh see I’m AAU and I always have been wait then who’s that a ...