s pal Antonio has sent us crabs for the morning what do you guys think these are from Maryland those are all the way from Maryland unless it’s a crab cake I don’t know how to eat them darn Filipino ...
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the Y laying on the [Music] track I’ve been [Music] [ __ ] gr nature I’ve been labor I don’t trust nobody behind the shell I had got shot my [ __ ] tried to rob me went to the ...
we were filming a video and a longhorn horn fell on my head the pointy part it went right into my head it hurt so naturally I started crying because I was in pain anyways that was like 20 minutes ...
Pat Pat I I mean I’ll be honest with you the the kind of the worst the worst that it ever was for me honestly were were these two questions in Cleveland you know the guy that’s running the defense ...
Cách để dùng nhạc trên tiktok Cài làm nhạc chuông điện thoại như thế này nghe máy đi sợ chì bóng nghe máy quả tình thấy chì bóng dám nghe máy mà ngồi gế nhỏ nào Sao mà không giám ...