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doing and welcome back to the live stream and welcome to project zomboid I have a dangerous plan today I was doing some testing off stream for the best settings to create a cool challenge but also a satisfying challenge ...

ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen we are back we are back I’m like a day late to the release cuz I was hanging out with family you know for Christmas and stuff I had a good ...

tương ớt chin xu bùng lên vạn tuệc vui mở tiệc cùng mono [âm nhạc] nhá Có tiếc nuôi không anh ngơi người đang thấy vui hay buồn về những ký ước ta đi chơi người đâu biết em đi ...

this makes too much sense geographically for it to make sense for to be AI we have this Pole right here with like this standard like Ontario lamp with the single yellow road line which would make a lot of ...

[Música] fuer chula Que bellos ojos di si andas con soy cero celoso pregunto por mañoso me miente y me hago el conto dice que eso es especial pero yo soy el otro en su culo Lo noto porque a ...