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Pretend This is a weapon this is a death pillow okay hit me one okay then I hit the table then throw then it becomes a ninja star and I throw it okay get ready I’ll say action action [Applause] ...
dad dad buy me that puppy are you crazy are they don’t you see it’s a black puppy choose a white dog mom buy me that puppy no daughter it’s a black puppy and black dogs are a symbol of ...
hello hello everybody how’s everyone doing today make sure to say hi in the chat if you are here and of course make sure that you are following me on Roblox so that you can join my games my joins ...
gentlemen I want you to follow me through a thought experiment concept the United States of America is real stunned by this Revelation the International Community watches on in horror fat shaming reaches an all-time high in retaliation the overweight ...
last time on Game Grumps let’s do the hard one no why we haven’t played anything yet you want to do the dinky one the mega wiggers tree party that sounds like so much fun which one you yeah you ...
I always wanted to know what it feels like having the power of the sea becoming a god basically but unfortunately I’m just a mere mortal a plug amongst players I might be a YouTuber guys but I’m I’m not ...
football field how about the Instagram public post on Christmas Day and the power couple in Baton Rouge announced formally Chris Hilton Jr F Johnson who by the way just released her second album she’s averaging over 20 points per ...