when the bear steps on the trigger plate the trap’s Jaws snap shut but instead of sharp teeth it has smooth edges these Jaws close around the Bear’s leg with enough Force to hold it in place but not enough ...
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their sharp teeth chew through the tree weakening it until it falls it then drags the log to the water and arranges it with others across the stream this slows the water down but there are still gaps in the ...
the eagle saw his bald head and mistook it for a rock which was the perfect Target to drop the tortoise you see Eagles are known to drop them onto rocks to crack their hard shells open for an easy ...
the king snake will unhinge its jaw to fit the other snake’s head inside its mouth once the prey is weakened its powerful muscles then push the swallowed snake down into its stomach as the king snake moves side to ...
if you’re locked in a freezer First Look for an emergency release latch many freezers have one on the inside if you can’t find it search for any gaps you can use to call for help check for objects like ...
dogs have been known to jump off Overtown bridge in Scotland with many tragically falling to their deaths since the 1950s hundreds of dogs have leapt from the 50ft bridge leaving locals puzzled and horrified some believe Supernatural forces are ...
an arrow lodged 6 in into the boy’s cheek the removal tool entered the hole with two slender arms that were inserted into the arroe head a needle probe was pushed down the middle forcing the arms to then expand ...
if a kangaroo is being chased by a dog it might jump into a river now once in the water the kangaroo Waits the dog following the chase will usually swim after it as the dog swims closer the kangaroo ...
they would be placed into a sack alongside a monkey a snake and a chicken this punishment was saved for people who killed their parents once sealed the sack was thrown into a river as the person inside struggled to ...
the Trap is made up of three sticks to balance a heavy weight like a rock above the ground but once the bait stick is moved the structure collapses and the weight drops quickly this sudden force is enough to ...
he shot at the balloon floating beside him but the bullet missed these two men were literally dueling in the sky because they both liked the same woman of course they planned this duel for a month until they finally ...
if you’re in a Subway tunnel with a train speeding toward you most people would panic and run away but you’ll never outrun the speed of a Subway instead you should look for a maintenance Al code a cutout in ...
the dog stepped on a loaded shotgun in the back seat of a truck and accidentally pulled the trigger the bullet tore through the front seat and into a man’s back breaking several ribs and tearing a hole in his ...
sheep are guided into this cage and the top is closed over them trapping them into place then it lowers into a tank filled with a parasite treatment the Sheep are completely submerged into the liquid for a few seconds ...
a woman climbed into a giant redwood tree to protect it from being cut down at first people thought she’d come down after a few days but weeks turned into months and she refused to leave she lived on two ...