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today is going to be super fun because we’re going to the spunky movie theater this is going to be awesome look Tyler look at all of these movies that we could see wo the sprun cinema has a ton ...
hi everybody Welcome to a fantastic reaction video where we get to react to our friend Vanos being jump scared but you might noticed at the beginning of this video I’m wearing different clothes stay tuned to figure out why ...
today we’re back on sprun and today is going to be awesome cuz it’s the day of the sprun solar eclipse wo that sounds cool isn’t that what happens when the moon blocks the sun yeah snowy it’s going to ...
today we’re working the gas station night shift on Christmas Eve they should be interesting why do we have to work on Christmas Eve silly I want to be at home yeah there’s something so creepy about night shifts maybe ...
today we’re back on sprun but this time it’s the new Happy Tree Friends boys welcome everyone to the annual Happy Tree Friends fair yay the fairy so fun today the Happy Tree Friends will be performing a sprunk song ...
[âm nhạc] ngày xưa ai nói sẽ yêu Tôi trọn đời ngày xưa ai nói chỉ yêu tôi mà thôi Ngày xưa ai hưa dù cho khó khăn thế nào thì anh hãy nhớ luôn có em kể bên mà ...
[âm nhạc] đã lưu truyền trong nhân gian có tiếng chim quyền hott g bay dọc ngan trong muôn không gian sang ngốt ngan chỉ muốn mong tìm bà và em cũng ước Minh thành đôi cánh Chiêm quyền chẳng ...