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so this dog was actually owed half a million dollars by a company but the problem was this company didn’t really want to pay up and that’s when they accidentally made one of the worst fumbles of all time you ...
so this photographer suddenly realized he was going to die while taking photos of the Mount St Helen’s volcano eruption you see although Robert lansberg had actually been far away from the danger zone and was supposed to be safe ...
so this woman was shocked to find countless critically endangered Condors suddenly just chilling on her porch one day you see since there were only around 160 of these birds left in the wild most people had never even seen ...
so this homeless guy was attacked One Day by some animal rights activists who wanted to steal his dog you see these guys were from the French nonprofit cause animal Nord but even though they didn’t know this homeless guy ...
so this homeless guy had a really strange sign one day that read I have a god-given gift of voice although people were obviously skeptical at first when they actually started talking to him they were just blown away when ...
so this 11-year-old boy decided to make some money One Day by setting up an ice cold beer stand outside of his house but when some of his neighbors saw they just immediately reported him to the police in their ...
so this pilot suddenly realized one day that his plane’s front tires were completely stuck in the wrong direction meaning that they would almost certainly crash if he tried Landing but although other Pilots may have just started panicking Captain ...
so this driver was waiting for some kids to cross the road one day but to his confusion they just kept on coming although he had initially figured that he would just have to wait for a few seconds even ...
so this dog’s owner suddenly gave her away one day since they didn’t want her anymore you see although ma Kettle had been living with his family for 2 years ever since her last owner died these new owners felt ...