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forever winter came out a day ago this is just like a small studio and already has almost 200,000 views this is they finally put out the trailer for it [Music] [Music] [ __ ] this is like a the ...
yeah so pyromancer made a video so yesterday uh pyromancer was on Twitter saying negative [ __ ] about me right and uh I’ll see if I can find a post about it in the wow space this week we ...
Concord is proof that don’t like it don’t play it argument is stupid of course it’s stupid it’s been stupid and also it well I’ll I’ll listen to what he said let’s listen to what he says Hey guys some ...
NextGen has a live service problem I feel like this problem is becoming bigger every single year welcome back to nextg console watch our show following everything happening with the latest gaming Hardware I’m Deon Hatfield and this week I’m ...
Dragon Age The Veil guard this is a game it’s been extremely hyped up everybody is super excited to see this game super excited really excited to see it it’s been 10 long years well that’s a good start been ...
this was such a good video I oh man Space Marine 2 is a reminder of what we lost Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 oozes with so much masculinity that I feel like I’ve been in a desert for the ...
the PS5 it it’s nuts $700 oh boy that’s a lot of money it’s a lot a lot of money $700 andonia sorry that priz point took me so back that it took me all the way back to Venezuela ...
Gaming’s toxic positivity problem if this is what I think it is I’m going to be so happy ladies and gentlemen today’s video I want to discuss a huge problem in the gaming community and that is toxic positivity it ...
oh what a terrible thing it would be to be a Ubisoft employee and wake up this beautiful Monday morning a severe case of the Mondays of astronomical proportions as Ubisoft is experiencing Fallout with its own investors as their ...
yeah they did release the uh the PS5 Pro oh [Applause] boy oh they have a line in it that’s me not you sorry PlayStation spectral super resolution they put some disclaimer there I’ll go back and read that high ...
this was crazy who does this why would anyone ever see a Tik Tock money glitch and run straight to the bank no because they’re stupid that’s why what do you mean why what do you think yeah it’s obvious ...
Publishers are getting what theying deserve o oops oops oops this is the beginning of a YouTube video Publishers are getting what they deserve thank you developers are striking against brutal mismanagement over in France because spiders and Katon are ...