Democrats are in shambles right now why why why and T going through a list of celebrities who are planning on leaving the country and um giving them a proper setup this is the list of people who said they’re ...
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I am actually not a trump fan I think that he is narcissistic he’s egotistical he’s cruel I don’t like the way that he treats people however when I heard that Biden was no longer going to run I was ...
so Libs published a fake story about how RFK Jr ate a dog RFK Jr’s Big Time environmentalist he loves animals has a bunch of dogs himself and his response to that slander is perfect you know what I’m doing ...
a bunch of liberal women working inside of a salon learned for the first time that taxation is theft and their reaction is perfect so we’re going to take a guess who can guess within the last 3 years how ...
Theo Von drops his Donald Trump interview gets 5 million views in less than 24 hours on YouTube but the uh line that’s taking the Internet by storm is Donald Trump talking to theovon about cocaine comedy cold how did ...