I guess it becomes a question here is they describe this as a decapitation Carmel how many heads there are on this Hydra who is likely to take over in sinir stad yeah so what we see right now is ...
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אני ניצב בפניכם היום כדי לוזר לכם שיחיו סינוואר חוסל מי שביצע את הטווח הנורא ביותר בתולדות אמנו מאז השואה רב המרצחים שרצח אלפי ישראלים חטף מאות אזרחינו חוסל היום על ידי חיילינו הגיבורים והיום כפי שהתחייבנו לעשות באנו איתו ...
коаліції злочинців разом з Путіном станом на зараз вже Північна Корея родина Кім яка тримає у рабстві більш ніж 20мільйонну частину корейського народу наша розвідка фіксує не лише передачу зброї з Північної Кореї до Росії але й передачу людей це ...
you’re launching these new products around Futures and index options I’m wondering when you come down to the retail Trader how much more indust uh interest is there from them for these derivative products versus plain vanilla spot trading equities ...
there are 30,000 open jobs in North Dakota and although our Workforce continues to grow if we get every high school and college graduate every individual coming out of our correction system um every person on disability into the workforce ...
election day is November 5th but we might not know who won the election until days or weeks after that here’s why the US election is really 51 smaller ones in each state in the District of Columbia which effectively ...
China’s 10 trillion stock market has witnessed the boom and bus cycle in the matter of weeks starting late September and the nation’s million strong Army of retail investors are struggling to cope the Chinese Equity Benchmark gained more than ...
a while ago we spoke about Nvidia and you had said that it would some be something that you held for years and ever since then you held it for a while but more recently you’ve been selling it off ...
it was the first step in a nuclear nightmare the accident occurred here at the 3M Island nuclear power plant a dozen miles south of Harrisburg it took a full 18 days before the Soviet leader mik gorbachov made any ...
historically when rates have gone up fairly dramatically and then when the FED lowers them we often go into what’s now called euphemistically A Hard Landing which is a euphan ISM for a recession uh you’re just saying you think ...
the biggest mistake that investors make is not sticking with the plan when the market goes down it turns out David that what you do when the market goes down is far more important than what you do as it’s ...
should Airbnb be banned that idea might seem extreme but this year Barcelona did just that refusing to Grant or renew licenses for any vacation apartments in the city district 6 in Budapest has since followed suit and the concept ...
well I think we’ve got to get the balance right and um clearly we’ve got to have standards high standards we do have high standards um not least for example in rights at work and I address that in my ...
investors want to invest in the UK they’re looking at the UK relative to Europe and the US and Asia and at the moment the UK looks like a good destination but the first thing is Clarity and stability the ...
there’s quite a lot of what might be cons might be just crazy speculation around where capital gains tax might go for example so something like a 39% rate can you reassure people that whatever the change is it won’t ...