the Democratic National Convention has wrapped here are the key takeaways first vice president kamla Harris sought to appeal to a broad base of Voters promising to be a president for all Americans in her acceptance speech Harris pushed back ...
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the Democratic National Convention has wrapped here are the key takeaways first vice president kamla Harris sought to appeal to a broad base of Voters promising to be a president for all Americans in her acceptance speech Harris pushed back ...
for the IPO um that was one of the moments in your life and uh I’ve been standing there short after Co with Michael Jordan and he said Carston today I’m your cheerleader and I only smiled you know he’s ...
for years Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us see his his limited narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardwork and highly educated successful people ...
just last week the president put forward a proposal with cutter uh and with Egypt to try to bridge the gaps that remained between the parties so that we could get agreement to what the president put out there a ...
Tesla’s made enormous amounts of money in the Chinese market half their Global sales come from the the Shanghai Factory and obviously uh the Chinese government it has been greatly helped in achieving its goal of becoming a global leader ...
it might surprise you just how Hands-On the process of making an IVF embryo is embryologists and lab techs perform dozens of manual steps on fragile microscopic sperm and eggs it’s high stakes work one wrong move and you could ...
thrust into Power this 37 yearold is now Thailand’s youngest ever prime minister and second woman leader daughter of a billionaire and former prime minister taking chinat pong time comes from a family that continues to wield political influence in ...
do you feel like you need to have a healthier proposition because of everything that’s going on in in the in the uh I guess nutrition world right even the nest slaves and unever are trying to cut calories to ...
so UK inflation is just going up the now markets expect the bank of England to cut interest rates even more aggressively what’s going on so this is all about expectations before the numbers came out markets had expected CPI ...
for me kind of coming to the organization I’m like we’re the Harlem glob chares and this is what I think the bar should be for us this is what it was back in the day when people said they ...
you know part of the reason why vice president Harris hasn’t taken a news conference yet is because she hasn’t had to and because she’s had the luxury of being able to say she was putting a campaign together but ...
пане президент України станом на 15 серпня обстановка на Сході та півдні держави лишається складною але контрольованою сили оборони продовжуютьведення оборонної операції в Східної та південної арацінних зонах завершено пошук та знищення противника в населеному пункті Суджа та трьох інших ...
[Music] Japanese prime minister famio Kida announced in a surprise move he won’t run for a second term as leader of the liberal Democratic party in September it opens the door for his successor to become the new leader of ...
so for an entry Lev level job out of undergraduate University we received last year a little over 300,000 applications and we hired about 2500 people so it’s it’s super competitive I mean it’s less than 1% uh of the ...