this kid’s father found out that he was making fun of a classmate who lost their hair due to cancer so he made sure his son learned his lesson hey I got to go let’s get it there now it’s ...
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charlam is the perfect example of victim mentality and he demonstrates it clearly during this argument no no no can no no you’re not listening and it starting to drive me crazy I’m making the argument that all black people ...
thean is the only person who can say this to a vice president ninee and not get in any trouble your Mom struggle with alcoholism right mostly non-alcohol drugs I never saw her you know drink that much pills when ...
after this man’s daughter told him that a boy walked into the girl’s restroom to creep on her and the school did nothing the father took matters into his own hands every single one is cowards my daughter right here ...
this man was fired from the Air Force for pointing out the corrupt system so Trump gave him an even better offer my name is Matt L was an Air Force F5 pilot and I was a commander in your ...