I was talking to this girl online and she looked perfect online but then I met her in person and she was of course just a bunch of undercover cops that knows what I’m talking about just hit me don’t ...
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sexy come over here K come over here everybody put your hands out like this everybody breathe in hands go up and push down I’m going to pay that we in a $55 million house
show the people what’s up just put it right in the boot it’s only like 2 L nothing too crazy 3 2 1 Let’s Get It 11 seconds
is that the chef yeah yeah you just say what you want it’s a production can I get a sesame seed bagel toasted with the cream cheese on the side I’ll just take coffee and almond milk on the side ...
only do this at home if you’re trustworthy with fire all right here we go we’re lighting the piece of paper we’re putting it in we’re putting it on top bubbling let go I know it’s cool how do that ...
oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m sorry I got to apologize I told him to stay in the truck Charlie Charlie that’s you I Gabe yeah you look good thanks man
y you need to get your baby hell no there’s your Baby K I don’t have no kid she looks just like you all right while you taking your baby cuz I’m done take care of my [Music] baby her ...
oh my God I’m stuck I mean damn I mean damn I’m stuck excuse me it’s only for kids my bad I’m a G right now my bad mom can you help me thank you thank you so much give ...