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when she pulled up her doorbell camera she noticed that deer was eating her gift basket uh excuse me Buck hey hi can you stop eating my holiday Arrangement you back up buddy okay Merry Christmas how ho no no ...
on Christmas day they all went to their grandma’s house and during the night they all had a funny idea because one by one every single person slowly went to hide in the Grandma’s bathroom until everyone at the party ...
they were letting their dog swim for the first time let him see if he can swim let him see if he can swim but his owner was too scared he’s okay let him pry let him pry he’s not ...
this hotel they were staying at had a dog stick Library where every day his dog got to carefully pick out the stick he wanted to take to the beach and he loved it a great idea showing how much ...
this couple was trying to figure out if their cat likes her new litter but what they never saw coming was this [Music] [Music]
this girl was just trying to film an owl but didn’t know he could understand her look at this little butt
this guy’s neighbor just want a year supply of Budweiser beer and everyone was outside watching it be delivered because it was being brought on a horse and carriage yo this is nuts bro you’re kidding me party at their ...
this girl said that in case you’re wondering what it’s like to have a brother this is it [Music]
her dad has a farm and has raised this ox named Tommy who is massive looking like a dinosaur on his land and it’s incredible to see she said they’re best friends almost like he’s his dog and when she ...
when these girls were on the airplane they didn’t want anyone to sit in between them so they had a plan you okay preserve seat is taken
this choir teacher has a different way of teaching her students because if she hears a student miss a certain note this is how she handles it [Music]
this guy might have accidentally recorded the most majestic video ever [Music]