what are your last two words if you’re going to crash like it’s barreling down towards the ground and the Pilot’s like this is it this is it we can’t we’re going to two words that’s all you have what ...
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I saw a horrible video the other day of these dudes were racing horses they’re running and a dog a yappy dog runs out onto the track and the horse trips over the dog and the guy dies you want ...
I need a hit of something man bust out the smelling Sals I’ll take a hit of anything oh my God tremendous come on boy I’ll that huh beir back huh NWS in Paris baby let’s get this you feel ...
well back then you could kind of kill somebody and it was easier you know think about like the wild west right like if you kill somebody they drew a picture of you I have to shave your mustache I’m ...
so this is a guy named Charleston white who is maybe one of the most prolific comedic internet personalities I think I’ve ever seen in my life and the guy in L of course is is Cam Newton who’s a ...
showed us the crackhead chucking competition this dude thre 20 ft he goes I want to thank God for blessing me with the talent throwing damn 12′ 9 in that’s not bad is this the same yeah it’s got be ...
there was one lady that covered the Trump thing I was think this was an Asian lady during a recent podcast with the comedian thean instead of talking about economy or immigration or health care or the global conflicts they ...
what would you bring if I said hey dude you can go in The Matrix but uh you can bring three things I’d have to bring a picture of my family and then I’d have to bring probably I’d bring ...
he shared a cigarette with me outside of cobs he’s like let me see that cigarette I was like okay and I gave it to him then he passed it back and then I gave it to him again and ...
for sober October I gave up bacon I only eat two pieces of bacon two pieces of bacon is all you really need more than two pieces of bacon let me tell youed when I was 418 between you and ...
would you fight a lesbian for an undisclosed amount of money yeah really you don’t even have to hear the number what does undisclosed mean do I get to hear it or I don’t you don’t get to know until ...
some of the things he says are so Theo he’s on a St right now he go yeah man got a koala coming to the hotel and I went oh man those things have the media so make sure you ...