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this video is sponsored by raycon look at Aaron he loves his if you’re listening to some sick jams or a dope podcast sometimes you’ve got to tune out the noise around you that’s why I want to tell you ...
this video is sponsored by nordvpn hey Aaron do you like to do or watch really embarrassing stuff on the internet what do you mean cool me neither but if I was into something embarrassing or if I’m just using ...
[Music] what time on green Grumps Aaron wait doctor why’d you even make this R don’t walk into that room with your pants down what no we don’t have a reversal Ray why would we we never thought anyone would ...
last time on Game Grumps I heard degenerate males get more turned on by girls in swimsuits than by girls who are naked okay and they go and they go Bonkers over the Bloomers we wear over our panties that ...
Gamers Gamers Gamers let’s game hello uh we’re here for the fil I guess so okay okay cool I wasn’t prepared we’re here for the fourth installment of uh these magical space bear musical episodes um very excited hello hi ...
[Music] oh oh no oh my God I knocked over like five fet no no I’m sorry Dan I can’t find my glasses where’s your glasses I don’t no Star Wars justess hey I’m gr I’m not so gr and ...
3 2 1 [Music] fight last time on game gums welcome to buy and leave try our new delicious Street milk you haven’t been out of Street thinking why I’d like to drink milk off this okay okay get over ...
[Applause] [Music] [Music] hey I’m grum I’m not so gr and where the game grumps hello there and welcome to a game called chain together yes which I know nothing about it’s okay it’s probably better that way you think ...
you’re watching game GRS but you can find us on the grum the Grumps that right on YouTube on YouTube youtube.com/ over eat this a little call to action hey I’m grum I’m not so gr and where the game ...
what the uh yeah last time in Gs the ultimate pianist the ultimate pist no I thought I had the ultimate penis man oh God sucks that concludes the events of this case I liked her oh well hey I’m ...