when this goofy cat was bullying this poor dog it couldn’t defend itself but the dog knew it had to do something so when it looked at its owner he gave it a piece of funny advice do you think ...
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when this goofy guy was being chased by a sheep he used a white bag to cover himself while running as he disguises himself with the bag right in front of the sheep the dumb sheep wonders how the man ...
when this mama bear was out with her two Cubs she climbed this huge snow Cliff as her babies were left behind but instead of helping her babies look what she did as her baby struggle to climb this snow ...
when it rained heavily this bird moved under this shed so it could not get wet but when he saw that his friend was still outside look what he did he went to his friend and flew to his other ...
when this man was eating chicken his dog put his paws on him and wanted some of it but the man refused to give him any and pushed him away so the poor dog gets an idea he goes to ...
this disabled man proves why you shouldn’t be quick enough to judge somebody because when this woman was sitting on this chair sleeping next to her injured husband he called her using this stick but look what she does she ...
when this woman accidentally dropped her phone into this gorilla enclosure this gorilla who saw it picked it up and was about to run away until he saw this basket dropped down from above but instead of just walking away ...