this is fancy chyros my skin locked account where I can only play Brawlers if they have a skin my goal is to reach Masters in ranked but I’m not allowed to spend any money on the account and I ...
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Christmas came early folks that’s right I mean balance changes happened pretty recently so like usual I reached out to some of if not the best players in the world to help me rank every single brawler from worst to ...
this is fancy chyros my skin locked account where I can only play Brawlers if they have a skin my goal is to reach Masters in ranked but I am not allowed to spend any money on the account and ...
meeple is the newest epic brawler coming to the game and he is the first member of a new Trio nobody’s totally sure what they are but we do know one thing meele really loves playing board games meele knows ...
Buzz lier is the newest brawler coming to brawl stars and he is the first ever temporary brawler we’ve ever had now since he’s from The Toy Story collab and since he’s here for just a short time he doesn’t ...
it is update time and that is that is so exciting we got balance changes we’ve got new skin costs and their animations special events including presents and 2v2 game modes but first six new hyper charges Gray’s new hypercharge ...
brawl talk just dropped I’ve got all the important information you need to know starting off brawl star is collaborating with Disney Pixar’s Toy Story and everyone will be able to play Buzz Lightyear for free in December Buzz Lightyear ...
it is finally time for the tier list version 42 I know it’s a little bit late but that’s because balance changes weren’t actually until after the world championship but now the pros have been able to test out the ...
this is fancy chyros my skin locked account where I can only play Brawlers if they have a skin my goal is to reach Masters in ranked but I’m not allowed to spend any money on the account and I ...
this is cheap chyros my completely free tolay account that I am not allowed to spend any money on my goal is to max out the account as fast as possible today is day 662 that is 1 year and ...
this is fancy chyros my skin locked account where I can only play Brawlers if they have a skin my goal is to reach Masters in ranked but I’m not allowed to spend any money on the account and I ...
this is fancy chyros my skin locked account where I can only play Brawlers if they have a skin my goal is to reach Masters in ranked and also I’m not allowed to spend any money and I can’t play ...
this is fancy chyros my skin locked account where I can only play Brawlers if they have a skin my goal is to reach Masters in ranked but I’m not allowed to spend any money on the account and I ...
this is fancy chyros my skin locked account where I can only play Brawlers if they have a skin here are the rules if I own a brawler like Shelly here but they do not have a skin I’m not ...
shade is the newest epic brawler coming to the game and it is the third and final member of the ghost train Trio along with Gus and Chuck shade is just a pile of clothes that somehow gains sentient uh ...