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the judge that loves to judge people has returned okay court is now in session I feel like judging more people this game’s fun it has a lot of interesting cases we are going to see how interesting they’re going ...
welcome everybody to a game called Nocturnals a choices matter type game where you are in a zombie apocalypse I believe you’re in some type of Apocalypse you’re trying to make sense of it all but the choices that I ...
welcome everybody to a game called we Harvest Shadows when I found out this was a scary farming game it gave me Vietnam flashbacks to another scary farming game that I was very obsessed with over a year ago apparently ...
Tam from the CB Scout welcome back to another episode of free random games a series where I find some of the most random games out there in the internet and I’ll play them for you right here in this ...
welcome everybody to a game called judge sim a lot of people have been telling me to play this game it’s kind of like a paper plea style but you’re judging people and I love judging people I love talking ...
welcome everybody to a game called thank goodness you’re here apparently this game is really funny we are going to figure out how funny it is if you guys cool that you down with that everybody get ready and buckle ...
welcome everybody to a game called homeless you are playing as a night shift security guard in a subway station and you see some skinny tall figure in one of the cameras to be honest the only reason why I ...
welcome back everybody to another episode of crime scene cleaner and according to the crime scene cleaning Community I’m kidding there’s no such thing imagine if there was though FBI will be all over that but according to me the ...
welcome everybody to a game called this bed we made you play as a maid and you have to investigate a crime it’s a who done it type of game I think that detective Jay is pretty good at these ...
I’m obsessed everybody it’s a joke really like it’s not funny but I need to clean this up I really need to clean this up so what we’re going to do everybody we are going to pack this up real ...