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if you break the law in outer space can you be arrested you’ll be arrested for destroying my property ha there’s no laws in space dude just look at gravity that isn’t true crimes committed in space are treated like ...
this lady has 106 dogs so so how many dogs can she legally own before she has to stop well it depends on what country she lives in in the mes dogs are completely banned but I can’t live without ...
if a police officer pulls you over here’s what you should do first watch out for questions like this do you know how fast you were going back there uh if you say yes you could accidentally admit to speeding ...
[Music] this is how you spot a fake cop First Look for people who have stained or wrinkled clothes aren’t wearing a police hat and don’t have a radio real cops wear hats to make themselves more visible to citizens ...
here are three ways criminals Target you first they’ll use the kidney bean trick what a great trip to Hawaii beans what the heck is going on the kidney bean trick is when criminals leave something like kidney beans on ...
if you’re put on house arrest here’s exactly what happens first she’ll be given an ankle bracelet and confined to a specific area usually your home heck yeah now I got to play video games all day sure but what ...
three times winners should have read the fine print a radio station in California promised listeners a Hummer truck if they could guess the number of miles it had on its speedometer when the winner went to pick up the ...
guess who’s been arrested win some cash for $100 can you tell me which one of these celebrities was arrested Marquez brownley or KSI Maris brownley that is incorrect I’m sorry all right look at this guy is this the ...