does it remember my audio settings what do you bet no it does not it remembered mine hey come on man we just started isn’t that what we do here maybe we just started no man we fooled the fans ...
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hello everybody my name is markip and welcome to dumpster Knight lixian latest game and it’s made in the scariest game engine of all Roblox this game hello is this multiplayer [Music] said it was single player maybe I just ...
Portuguese huh not today not today Portugal hello everybody my name is mar and welcome to the Broken Vow or as another user who played this game time to kill Grandma all right a week after my grandfather’s sudden death ...
look guys I don’t know what this is this game had no description on it but there were 800 reviews saying it was five stars I don’t know what this is I see [Music] [Music] okay wait wait no no ...
hello Pico Park 2 hello welcome to Pico Park 2 hey guys hey guys okay hold on Bob’s purple and Mark is pink right hey guys yeah I’m I’m purple that’s I’m in the middle hey wait why don’t these ...
recording recording all right e oh are we rolling I’m rolling I am uh computer we are rolling comrade OBS is crashing uh never mind it decided not to good I’m probably recording you’ve been impatient this entire time all ...
لماذا شريط صحتي هو الحيوانات المنوية؟ أوه، هذا – إنه – لا تقلق بشأن ذلك. أليس كذلك مثل جهاز مراقبة قلبك؟ لا أعرف بشأن نبض قلبك يا رجل، لكنه لا يبدو هكذا. قلبي يذهب thuuum. ضغط. تووم. إذا كنت بحاجة ...
你知道现在是什么时间了。我……正在观察—— 好吧,有点大。有点大。冷静下来。调一下——是的,谢谢。 我是来观察的。而你来这里是为了观察我的观察。因此,如果您在这里发现任何异常情况, 请务必报告。温泉?我以前做过水疗吗?我觉得我已经做了公寓楼之类的事情。小木屋 可能很有趣,因为它 在冬天的晚上 在森林中央 。 阉割无聊。博物馆?那就像一个图书馆。 我想——哦!编辑过的林地里的一间旧小屋引起了我们北欧分部的极大兴趣, 因为这间分部曾因一系列怪诞的谋杀绑架案而上升。现在它像灯塔一样吸引异常现象。一些徒步旅行者和滑雪者 已经在附近失去联系。我们没有理由不怀疑他们的失踪与 最近当地新闻曾称之为“拾骨者小屋”的异常活动激增有关。 (怪异音乐)好的,注意员工,我知道。 之前曾在监控区域提到过异常情况。好吧,那么……好吧,有趣。商务相机故障 光裂痕。裂痕?不知道会产生什么样的裂痕。好吧, 让我们扫描一下。这是救生员使用的技术。 好的。 就在门口告辞了。好的。 绘画、图画、手套,那里有一扇窗户,里面会站着什么东西。 瓶子,时钟显示1205。我不知道那是不是……哦,那个时钟是准确的。好的。我认为那个时钟实
欢迎来到骗子甲板。扭转一场纸牌游戏,每一次虚张声势都可能是你的最后一次,打出一张牌,并声称它的价值。 小心,你的对手可能会欺骗你。如果被发现说谎,您将玩俄罗斯轮盘赌。 在六轮比赛中击中 一颗 子弹,否则游戏就结束了。 Outlast,在牌桌上数次获胜。你还敢骗人吗?还是说谎者的 骰子?哦,骗子的骰子。掷骰子。没有人能看到你的名单,但每个人都在关注我们的下一步行动。 猜猜 某个数字在所有玩家中显示了 多少个 骰子? 每轮都必须提高出价。认为有人在撒谎? 挑战他们的出价。失败者喝下一瓶毒药,喝两瓶就出局。最后活着的人获胜。老兄, 两瓶毒药才能杀死我?我是个坏蛋。我们还蛮强硬的骗子的套牌。哦。骗子的骰子。多么好的 声音啊。骗子的套牌。哦,我想我们从 Deck 开始吧?嗯嗯。我爱德克。 好吧。爸爸,把甲板给我。 嘿嘿嘿,我加载了。是的,我是说。 好吧,你能听到我说话吗? 是的。一,一,一,一,一。我的心在跳动,我宣称自己是女王。我声称。我的女王,你知道我的女王吗?好吧, 我想我这样做是对的。我还有两个皇后。你听到我说了两遍吗?我肯定仍然在 脑海中听到我的声音。是的,你在循环。一,一,一。一,女
how do I get in I’m in the game you guys okay all right if that was getting me I would be so upset right now but I’m not right now I sent you an invite that’s how you get ...
oh oh good it was nothing am I going to die in the first 5 Seconds without ever seeing anything again or how do this one work one can only hope oh oh oh hey the thingy opened oh lots ...
you know mobile games you know how they have advertisements that are a game that is arguably more funl looking than the actual game itself I I have this all the time an ad will pop up for a mobile ...
well maybe if we could get past the fourth floor we’d get more random ones true maybe there’s some easy beginner ones these are the ones that oh hey guys I have a theory oh guys Mark are you going ...
all right shaps what you say we get move on ooh I found a trap door I’m going in the trap door all right he’s going in the trap door hey what’s up guys how’s it going that sounded bad ...
we’re getting back into this hello and welcome to life eater it’s time for more stalking they have a second job such a full life Tak from them all right so this seems easy enough we just got to look ...