well it looks big you look down and it just keeps going and going and going five four three two four [Music]
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my next challenge was to freesell out revere papre i definitely feel fear trying to imagine someone climbing it without a rope one mistake and he dies you
pre-soling is the ultimate test of climbing you have to make sure you never fail I’ve known Alex Honnold for years I was there when he free soloed El Capitan how does someone prepare to do the impossible I felt ...
[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
a tiger shark off the coast of hawaii volcanoes national park is looking for a hefty meal a green sea turtle is just the ticket the clever defense turning on her side makes her too big a meal for the ...
this could be the old bull’s last chance at domination and to leave a dynasty but a new arrival is bigger challenge accepted the pair are evenly matched but the old bull has experience the rival concedes his blood will ...
yep that’s me and you’re probably thinking what’s going through my head at that exact moment i know what it looks like the man stuck in the cage and a hungry great white shark is ready to eviscerate him this ...
[Music] we all know moms are amazing but whale sharks take it to the next level did you know they can carry around 300 babies at once it makes me tired just thinking about it scientists studied a pregnant whale
shark attacks are not new in fact they go way back an early example from recorded history dates to the greco-persian wars around 492 bc when persians first invaded greece things were going well for military commander mardonius until his
there are a lot of shark gods but fiji has one of the coolest taekwondo is an ancient god of the fiji islands half shark half man he watched over everyone entering the sea age old stories say he could ...
i was photographing a shark down around 20 meters depth and i could just feel something watching me i looked over my shoulder and thought that was weird maybe i imagined it i send it to the surface for some ...