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uh-oh ladies and gentlemen welcome back to some Delta Force today we’re with stone and geeka we’re live on YouTube twitch and kick don’t forget to leave a like if you haven’t already we’ve had a had a very tough ...

sub p p ladies and gentlemen welcome back to some Delta Force today we’re with shady and bronic and we got all gold gear we’re going to try and make some money we’re live on YouTube twitch kick don’t forget ...

DMZ has been out for a long time now and with no updates I’m always looking for new ways to keep the game fresh that’s why I started doing what I call the manhunts if you don’t already know the ...

ladies and gentlemen welcome back to some more Delta Force boy oh boy do we have a fun stream today we have K sniper with gold ammo big is the pistol I’m this pistol pistol out now too this pistol ...

ladies and gentlemen do we have a stream today big big news thanks to you guys we got DMZ trending on YouTube gaming let me just show show you guys super quick if we pull up yesterday’s live stream right ...

ladies and gentlemen Happy Thanksgiving it is Thanksgiving here in the US so Happy Thanksgiving to everyone it’s unbelievable just what DMZ and all of you have done for not just me but the community other streamers it’s it’s really ...

secure Intel and loot to gain access to New Missions ladies and gentlemen welcome to another DMZ stream can DMZ survive for another two years that’s the question for for today’s stream but before we get into that I want ...

hi hello ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another day of days or not da gez uh DMZ welcome to DMZ how are we all doing we’re live on YouTube twitch and kick don’t forget to leave a like we’re ...