while you were Governor what is something you said or did that you knew was a lie come on answer it I don’t know if I can say that when the governor signs bills or vetos them so when you ...
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Christopher Walkin likes to say it’s his birthday when it’s not is that true no it’s true you can only do once a movie yeah probably what do you do how do you do it I like a lot of ...
is it true you were on the same drug that drug that Michael Jackson yeah propl which his nickname is milk of Amnesia and it’s Michael Jackson was taking propl to sleep which is like doing chemotherapy because you’re tired ...
David do you ever work with a actor dog and I go an actor dog no I I don’t I don’t think so and he goes they’re good they do what they’re told they sit and stay and they run ...
I thought I’d bring you a little jacket nice is that boo yeah I made it myself you made it yourself you really how make it it could be LSD in there ruining the look at Jackman you never failed ...
I’ve been pretty busy doing movies I actually have one coming out really soon Steve yeah hey Steve hey I just wanted to say that I also think that you should reboot the office I don’t think it would be ...
is there one movie that it just kills you that you turned it down the stupidest one I ever turned down was Independence Day they offered me Will Smith’s part I got the script to Independence Day and I’m reading ...
Hi how are you are you yes he is yeah you’re the one that my mother he’s the one you’re on camera it’s okay said it no it’s okay