I love mechanical toys that require no batteries and one of the most fun to watch is screw ball scramble it was released by Tomy in the 1980s and the goal is to guide a ball bearing through a series ...
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the loneliest tree on Earth was knocked down by a drunk driver in 1973 in 2012 the oldest bald Cyprus was burned down by a Florida woman and the Famous Sycamore Gap tree was cut down by vandals just last ...
let’s talk about double pain if your body was 620 mil long pain could be your alarm clock you could bite your toe at bedtime and then go to sleep you wouldn’t feel any pain until the signal from your ...
I kissed Michael on his ear yesterday that’s my favorite sentence because there is a word a single common everyday English word that can be placed anywhere in this sentence and the whole thing will still make sense you can ...
think of a card and now whisper the name of the card into your phone’s microphone seriously do it right now are you serious oh my gosh that is the card at the top of my deck approximately 0.24% of ...