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they came while sinks and I slept hours upon hours of farming fighting building and yet we woke to nothing but these Raiders made just one mistake they came for the wrong do and now not even 24 hours into ...

[Applause] hello hello yo are you ready oh I’m ready you ready are you ready to get manhandled by 1,000 players on round story of Mondays round two let’s do it oh Subs up welcome to a not quite solo ...

[Music] today as a solo on a 1,000 player vanilla Russ server I’m going to be taking this Anvil Rock and turning it into a fortress in the sky but let’s go back to the beginning like all other stories ...

all things solo rust taking one of the most brutal games to exist and putting it on Hardcore and yet I decided all those years ago that solo was my calling the rush of forever being outmanned and outgunned surviving ...

when the morning welcome to a solo rust [Music] Adventure now today I am playing on rustoria Main notoriously the biggest and most competitive Clan server in all of rust but today I’m doing things a little bit differently see ...

[Music] no no I have no sleeping bag oh that is not a good sign I have nothing in this base apart from my farm my base is just over this Ridge the clan next to me has expanded overnight ...

[Music] welcome to a solo rust adventure and oh boy this is going to be a hell of a journey I hope you enjoy the time was 300 p.m. just seconds into wipe on this 1,000 player vanilla official server ...

[Music] welcome to a solo rust Adventure I hope you enjoy okay now the time is 300 p.m. and just a couple of minutes after white and I am solo on a server with more than 1,000 other players all ...

[Music] well this is it the tale of the five solos fighting to survive on the same server and with time taking down our paths draw closer ah good morning it is day three we are almost 60 hours into ...

blueprints Frost H June golak and me wilon five unique solos all surviving on one official server but just 12 hours into this 100h hour adventure and our pods had still yet to cross and so the question remains which ...