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yeah so pyromancer made a video so yesterday uh pyromancer was on Twitter saying negative [ __ ] about me right and uh I’ll see if I can find a post about it in the wow space this week we ...


I think some of you still remember where you were the exact moment Flappy Bird was taken from us God Rest its Soul some of us still bear those scars Flappy Bird was one of the biggest mobile games to ...


لسنا وحدنا أيتها الفرقة. كنت أعرف أنكم ستأتون. يمكن التنبؤ بأفعالكم، أما أنا فلا. أخشى أن الأمور قد تصبح فوضوية. أنا أتولى السيطرة. هيا، الجميع يستحق فرصة للارتقاء. ألقوا نظرة على ذلك! إنها مجموعة كاملة!


uh I had to do a double take when I saw this Concord is one of the best video games I’ve ever played Just Let It Die guys it’s over why are you doing this a reader’s feature argues that ...


w so a couple weeks back I was on the inside MC podcast if you want to hear some of it beat picks SC yeah we I was like wait are you really going to bring that up that’s going ...


猎物清单 最后一位 委托完成 阿乔,(哼!)这些家伙 又是你找来的吧? 没想到全是废物,一点用都没有! 真可恶 你什么时候才能被干掉啊? 伟大的圣龙库胡勒阿乔等不及要拿走你的身体了 那下次再找点更值钱的家伙吧

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