snaggle emits an alarm call warning the other clan members of the danger the lion again attacks one of the [Music] pups however he doesn’t kill it obviously he’s not trying to secure food at this point snaggles mates arrive ...
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who can eat more hot dogs a professional competitive eater or a grizzly bear do you want a napkin no okay you’re good well I wanted to find out so I picked 7t tall 800 x actor tank the grizzly ...
Mommy I have to pee it’s not appropriate to say the word pee in church so from now on whenever you have to pee just say you have to whisper okay okay let’s go daddy yes son I have to ...
this is cactus’s first time being home without being in the crate let’s see where he is cat you’re in the crate you didn’t have to be in there I left you out of the crate you stayed in the ...
Tina we got to have a talk you can’t have my bird feed I don’t care you can’t have it I know you’re hungry we’ll go down and eat what bears eat but you can’t have bird feeders no I’m ...
look why are these people putting this horse in the water you might think they are just giving the horse a bath but there’s another reason it’s very important because when a horse has back pain or its back is ...
okay buddy you ready you ready to come on the dock come on up good dog good dog hello hello how are you good good job hey I’m just canoeing I’m canoeing across Canada oh yeah and I was just ...
this black horse was brought to this man after he could barely walk but when he took a look at the problem hoof he was shocked there was a whole lot of Gunk and grime stuck in there with an ...
y’all it’s true I’m a teacher and I don’t teach the alphabet the way I grew up singing it and this is one of the reasons because kids hear element a p and they don’t say the individual letter names ...
we have front-facing ear flaps and then rear facing ear flaps whenever we took him out of his carrier my counterpart said what’s on his ear and when we look closer it appears as if AIO has actually Four ears ...