so why did I climb over an alligator I posted this video recently and received a lot of criticism so how did this happen I’m out here it all started because the gorgeous alligator honeymoon pool turned a fluorescent green ...
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yo bro what are you doing are you why you wa yo you’re soaked in your school clothes I’m giveing him a shower what do you mean your school closed exactly that’s what I just said are you serious no ...
when this woman accidentally dropped her phone into this gorilla enclosure this gorilla who saw it picked it up and was about to run away until he saw this basket dropped down from above but instead of just walking away ...
boots has lost his mind recently so I bought this calm kitty kit that’s supposed to cure him I have no idea what’s in here okay I want to say this is like a like a little massager ooh Why ...
let’s go gambling a dang it a dang it oh my oh my gosh I won I actually won
have you ever wondered why Turtles hate the color black are they racist but first if you think this puppy is cute give it a like And subscribe you’ve probably seen some viral videos of turtles attacking black shoes while ...
making Scooby-Doo in real life wait he’s using a golden retriever to do this that’s kind of interesting because I don’t know much about Scooby-Doo’s breed but he’s definitely not a golden retriever but all right man it must take ...
[Music] the company chillbo actually came out with this new one called The Lazy bone and guess what you can inflate this bad boy all by yourself without even barely moving at all let me show you how it works ...
to oh my God what is that oh my God what is that
okay and how many eyes do you want um I one no maybe two just in case let’s go with two all right and how many eyes yeah two probably two two sounds good uh yeah two sounds great 7,000 ...
this bear blew bubbles to get somebody to save her baby a man seeing this ran to the water where the Bear’s son was waiting her son was about to lead the man to the [Music] unthinkable on the riverbank ...