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hello Ray Ray what are you doing this year what are you doing you come with Madison yeah yeah and mad’s house you are you say hey to Mommy his baby is back is that yeah
I love Bridget because it’s a show that tells all different types of love stories so everyone should feel represented in it I I know as a cast we’ve been really craving a queer storyline and that representation is so ...
when it rained heavily this bird moved under this shed so it could not get wet but when he saw that his friend was still outside look what he did he went to his friend and flew to his other ...
I’m just here for that Pitbull and if any of you interfere these officers they will arrest you we don’t want any trouble but we have to take that animal I thought I’d see why half the department is out ...
[Music] here hi babe what you doing I’m having to much that’s awesome hi babe what you doing I’m having so much fun that’s awesome [Music]
table for two and don’t worry he just went so did the guy at Booth 3 Max that cop has a drug sniffing dog what’s that now you’re moving out Max put that away Max have you seen the O ...
look this guy wanted to test the strength of different animals so he went to a zoo and he was easily able to pull the ropes of the small animals but when he pulled the Rope of a sussy chimpanzee ...
this is a slow-moving gab Viper which some people consider cute because of its round body but in reality it is more dangerous than you think its skull is the smallest of all snakes and the next two teeth from ...
so I went into labor at Disneyland I did feel some contractions as I was walking around I ended up leaving the park around 3:00 p.m. and by 10 p.m. that night I was checked into the hospital I was ...
no what the H is wrong with
the loneliest tree on Earth was knocked down by a drunk driver in 1973 in 2012 the oldest bald Cyprus was burned down by a Florida woman and the Famous Sycamore Gap tree was cut down by vandals just last ...
his nose is bigger than his face think about that sorry that your kind didn’t a got his ear nose that’s so cute give me a kiss
that was so whack I got to be honest neither one of us really grew up listening to a ton of it that was a pitiful performance we’ll do better next week I’m so sorry the best I can do ...