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her cat left her house but when he came back he brought her something monkey where have you been and what have you got ask me that what is oh a scratch card off is it a winner though and ...
esta mujer bebió una gaseosa y tiró la lata en la piscina del Hotel sin embargo en este hotel tirar basura en la piscina conlleva una multa de $2,000 Así que la mujer intentó huir para evitar pagar justo en ...
they’re eating the dogs they’re eating the cats eat the cat eat the cat they’re eating the dogs they’re eating the cats eat the cat eat the cat they’re eating the cat
my doctor said my back’s so messed up he said I should stop cheering but I can’t miss the pepp rally he said I’ll probably tear my ACL soon but I don’t believe them yeah that feels good all right ...
hey I think your dog is really cute thank you yeah of course that’s a good girl oh
things that I learned today at school number one deir is out I used it in class and out of the corner of my eye I saw a student just look down and pinched the bridge of their nose it ...
how long animals can hold their breath okay this is actually about to be pretty interesting let’s see all right first we got to a hippo I’m going to guess like 2 minutes minutes 5 minutes wow dolphin I’m definitely ...
you like Charlie Kirk or no no I only know who Charlie Kirk is whatever the stand for I do not know nor will I care cuz I’m also a hater too I will purely move off of ignorance but ...
I’m the one who shoots you’re the shooter what happens if I were to take this from you now he take your camera will you take it I’ll thr me gloves on and pull me go out and shoot you ...