ow Sarah hey girly sorry I’m late yeah we all heard you wobbling in did you hurt yourself Yeah I broke my foot doctor said it was a complete break it’s going to take like 6 weeks to heal oh ...
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[Music] it was a surprise to all of us honestly the best part was everyone just kind of sharing we’re pregnant and then falling like 4 weeks later it’s a boy and we were always like it’s a boy it’s ...
let’s start at the very beginning a very good place to [Music] start or a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down the medicine go down medicine go down I heard that Walt Disney was out front and had ...
as a mom and a minimalist when it comes to bags I’ve always struggled with finding the right bag that can hold everything me and my kids need without weighing me down diaper bags tend to be bulky and over ...
[Laughter] now listen don’t you look at me like that you un cross them arms and you color that frog right now oh she do it that time you you color that frog right now oh look you you color ...
on a [Music] no no my tears you [Music] sto oh
these workers heard screaming coming from inside the top shipping container and they knew they had to act quickly before it was too late the men spent hours trying to reach the top but you’ll never believe what was screaming ...
I was afraid to tell you earlier but I bed in your back seat what I’m going to miss you buddy I’ll miss you too and by the way as an honorary dog there’s something you should know dogs aren’t ...
you kidding me dick move pigeon screw you ass wait a minute can I hear all animals y animals have a universal language like espiranto but this one actually caught on and I’m just getting started too ruin a real ...
her cat left her house but when he came back he brought her something monkey where have you been and what have you got ask me that what is oh a scratch card off is it a winner though and ...
esta mujer bebió una gaseosa y tiró la lata en la piscina del Hotel sin embargo en este hotel tirar basura en la piscina conlleva una multa de $2,000 Así que la mujer intentó huir para evitar pagar justo en ...