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a dog licked a small scrape on a woman in 2018 and after several hours she was rushed to the hospital with severe symptoms doctors discovered she had contracted a rare bacterial infection from the dog saliva through the small ...
one day a stray cat wandered into a guy’s shop and boldly made off with a cushion that belonged to his pet cat as she carried it away she stumbled over it countless times but refused to let go even ...
look even if you set this pigeon free in the Open Sky it still won’t be free I’m saying this because as you can see the man releases the pigeon into the Open Sky so that it can be free ...
wakey wakey mum time after you why so you can stab me in the back because it’s polite aren’t you going to help nope I’ll get on with it these sacks are awfully heavy we’ll take them one at a ...
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come on have some topper with your food and because everybody thinks that you’re like so well trained we don’t have to pray tonight you can just have your food okay we don’t have to bless it all right go ...
can you guess the top 10 animals that humans eat per year cows no it’s shocking wait wait it’s worldwide worldwide they’re like top 15 chicken chicken is number one that’s the one that makes the most sense venison deer ...
this is a mobile chicken Coupe that doesn’t have a floor and moves automatically to a new location every day powered by solar energy this way the chickens always have access to Fresh grass and insects to feed on it ...