look this is absolutely clear that we we would like to deepen the transatlantic Alliance and and the bond with United States this is our wish there is no doubt but we have a plan plan for the EU for ...
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Я не хочу сейчас комментировать то что было сказано в ходе избирательной борьбы и я думаю что сказано сознательно в борьбе за голоса Избирателей Но неважно А вот то что было сказано по стремлению стремлению восстановить отношения с России способствовать ...
oh it’s okay I mean I don’t know if it’s goodbye forever but uh goodbye for now I love her so much it’s been an honor to play her so we’ll see thank you
she is tough she’s smart she’s universally admired those are the words of Donald Trump on his new Chief of Staff Susie Wes this lady is a veteran of politics she’s run campaigns for Marco Rubio and for Donald Trump ...
politics certainly influences art how does it do you feel it affects it and how do you believe it will affect it for you why I think you know when all else is failing art can be a voice uh ...
I think it’s the greatest job in government you show up to the office once a month and you say let’s see flip a CO and everybody talks about you like you’re a God while President Trump thinks that fed ...
you know the struggle for the soul of America since our very founding has always been an ongoing debate and still vital today I know for some people it’s a time for victory to State the obvious for others it’s ...
Сьогодні я вірю що Президент Трамп дійсно хоче швидкого рішення хоче Це не значить що так вийде і я тут без закидів Я просто говорю що ми там де ми є і ми в війні з рускими і і це ...
it’s pretty well established within the economics profession that tariffs equal higher prices for consumers we just went through uh a two-year bout with inflation from the end of the pandemic until about mid 2022 uh and we learned you ...
I’m just so proud of our vice president and the campaign that she’s run I was really hoping that the results would be different and um just trying to deal with the Heartbreak but still maintaining hope and that joy ...
president have any regrets about when he chose to leave the race or any regrets about deciding to run for a second term the president is very proud of what he was able to accomplish he was very proud and ...
Michael Jordan retired NBA Legend and his fellow team owners are taking on NASCAR in federal court why they believe NASCAR’s business model is limiting competition Jordan’s 2311 racing alongside front row Motorsports owned by entrepreneur Bob Jenkins bought a ...
и я Пользуясь случаем Хочу поздравить его с избранием на пост Президента Соединённых Штатов Америки я уже говорил что что мы будем работать с любым главой государства которому окажет Доверие американский народ так будет действительно и на практике если он ...