Jaylen uh the dunk on Stewart usually doing the seat belt thing now but you did the throat slash can you talk about what brought that on uh just caught up in the moment I guess um big play um ...
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can’t do this don’t give up thing all by myself this whole fight this journey thing is not a solo Venture this is something that requires support with support in mind the V Foundation steuart Scott cancer research fund honor ...
you did say you agree with everything JJ said everything everything so don’t ask me spe speciic everything he said is correct well you guys if you aren’t executing at the level we lose right but do you think there’s ...
it ain’t our ball it ain’t our ball that’s our ball Ain it that’s our ball
the there has to be some some ownership and uh I think when a a group is not performing well um which happens and it it happens to bad teams it happens to good teams it happens to Great teams ...
this is where I sleep this is this is your home yeah yeah moving from Africa to come here with my family this couch is going with me wherever I’m going to go now oh yeah so at night I ...
[Applause] just that solid ring to finger that went it [Music] [Applause] vertical good feed inside of the throw down there for Mor B so good at spacing out the floor good pass right there and amori just slip in ...
[Applause] from [Applause] diaba and eventually Carolina comes away with a Davis right at Sears it under scor and he’ll go to the line Alabama just everywhere on the offensive glass but multiple white jerseys on the ground diving for ...
F old team you’re going to find someone open and this team’s got scores able to put the ball in the basket and we saw today
oh baby go Nossa Caraca cruzando Nossa chuta chuta nossa nossa batei batei bate nossa de novo de novo
thing about racing speed is like bro you gave no all a chance to win 100K bro give me that same chance bro cuz I already know I’m faster than you bro it’s like why waste my time I got ...