everyone kevin here today i want to show you the top five best secrets in microsoft products as many of you know i don’t actually work at microsoft anymore so how could i possibly know these secrets well lucky for me i recruited shannon who works as a full-time employee at microsoft and we’re gonna try to get some secrets out of her today thanks for having me kevin so you want to get some secrets out of me okay well here’s a few of them first we’re going to start by going surfing in microsoft edge next we’ll check out what’s called god mode sounds pretty epic to me and we’ll also be checking out some undocumented features in microsoft excel all right well that sounds pretty awesome let’s jump on the pc and let’s check these out [Music] this brings us to secret number one you can surf in microsoft edge yes you’ve always been able to surf the web but now you could also literally surf in edge up in the address bar type in the following url i’ve also included a link in the description down below and then hit enter on the main surfing screen you’ll see some basic instructions on how to control your surfer and right down here you can choose the surfer that you want now this guy in the middle he looks pretty handsome i’d have to say he looks just like me up in the top right hand corner here i could also choose a different game mode i also have some instructions but let’s get surfing right back on the main screen i’ll press spacebar to start and check that out i am now surfing in my web browser if you ever played the game ski free back in the day this probably looks very familiar but instead of skiing i’m now surfing and i just crashed i’m not very good at this game [Music] so shannon really appreciate you coming over today to show me all these different secrets but i do have a little request i was hoping you could also fill out a flyer for the kevin cookie company great well my time is too precious so i’m going to use secret number two to create this flyer for kevin so if i actually use this function equals lorem open parentheses close parentheses and then hit enter it’ll fill in microsoft word with all this dummy text so it kind of does the job for me but looking at this text it all has some like latin text which i think kevin will figure out pretty quickly that i didn’t actually write any of this so if i use a different function equals rand and then hit enter and then it gives me all this text and this is looking pretty good i think i could trick kevin with this but i think i need a little bit more text so if i do the same thing and do equals rand and then add a parameter six which is the number of paragraphs and five which is the number of sentences and then i hit close the parentheses and then i hit enter it’ll give me six paragraphs with five sentences each and this looks is looking great i did a lot of work here kevin’s gonna be so impressed i better head out now before he realizes this is just filler text [Music] this now brings us to secret number three typically if you want to change any of your computer settings you have to head over to control panel and then you have to try to figure out where the setting is so was it in system and security or was it under hardware and sound i don’t know where it is you have to dig through all these different menus luckily there is something called god mode that makes this even easier on your desktop right click with your mouse and then go down to new and right here let’s select new folder within the folder paste in the following name i’ve also included it in the description of this video once you finish entering it in press enter and you’ll see this new god mode icon it’s also referred to as the master control panel let’s click on this to see what’s within this opens up a master control panel that has every single tool in one place here you see all of your admin tools you have all of your different devices all of your different ease of access controls so you can get to everything in one place so you no longer have to dig through complicated menu systems [Music] this brings us to secret number four there’s a function in microsoft excel that you won’t find mentioned anywhere but it helps you calculate the difference between dates here if i go up to insert function and i can type in date difference and search for it you won’t find any function here i could go down though and i could type in date diff here too you’ll see that there’s no helper function that appears but once again we can still use this here i’ll type in date diff and then i’ll open the parentheses and i’ll select the start date this is the date of one of the unfortunate accidents we had here at the cookie company i’ll select this date as the start date then i’ll insert a comma right here i’ll select the end date this is also today’s date i’ll insert this and i’m going to turn it into an absolute reference so when i copy this formula down it’ll apply to every single row correctly next i’ll enter a comma and i want to know the years since this accident so i’ll insert quotes type in a y insert quotes again and then close my parentheses so this formula is now fully structured i’ll hit enter and look at that it’s been zero years since this accident let me take this formula and copy it all the way down wow we have a lot of accidents that have happened this past year and within the last year it’s no wonder we have so many lawsuits here at the kevin cookie company along with calculating years since i could also use it to calculate the months since here i’ve already entered the formula and here instead of entering a y for year i could enter an m for month and here this tells me it’s only been one month since this accident also if i go over to days since you probably get the idea but here instead of entering an m i could enter a d and this will tell me how many days so we’ve now been accident free for 47 days oh no actually only 11 days [Music] secret number 5 cortana has games included in it so keep this between you and me but the kevin cookie company actually uses cortana games to make a number of important business decisions a crazy example of this is they made a decision on whether they should hire a new safety engineer or not by using flip a coin so let’s try it should we hire a new safety engineer heads yes tails no flip a coin i guess we’re not going to hire anyone another crazy example of this is they decided on how many stores to open up in a new region in hyderabad not based on market research but based on rolling a dice so let’s roll a dice okay let’s open two new stores another crazy example is that in meeting disagreements they use rock paper scissors to come to consensus that rounds out the top five secrets in microsoft products however because i have shannon here today and she just has so many different secrets to share we wanted to share two additional bonus secrets and the first one is a fun one within file explorer head to the following location once again i’ve included a link in the description down below here you’ll see a whole bunch of different files let’s click into the one called services here it’ll ask us how we want to open this file let’s select notepad within notepad we can see all of the different ports that windows has assigned to different services and there’s a really fun one in this list here if i scroll down about midway through this file we’ll see port number 666 in windows and you’ll see that it refers to doom doom is connected to 666. so what is doom is this some secret reference to the end of the world by microsoft no there was actually a popular fps game in 1995 made by id software and they happened to use port 666 and it’s just stuck around ever since then for our last secret we’re going to show you how there’s a picture of frodo’s house from the lord of the rings movie actually in windows control panel so if i do a search in the search box for closed captions and click on the first best result it’ll open up the control panel to the closed captions screen and here you can see this is actually a picture of the hobbit house for frodo right here in the control panel kind of neat huh all right well that wraps up our top secrets let us know down in the comments if you learned any new ones if you want to see more videos like this please consider subscribing all right see you next time [Music] you