Five OneNote tips and tricks. Number one. Go up to the home tab and all the way over on the right-hand side, click on the brand new transcribe button. You can upload an MP3 file and it’ll give you a transcript of all of the spoken words. Number two. Select a list and then press the control key together with period. This will turn it into a bulleted list. Press Ctrl together with forward slash and that’ll turn it into a numbered list. Number three. Click on this icon next to an outline. This will collapse it. Press this icon and that’ll expand it. This works with any level of an outline, and it even works with images. Number four. Press the ALT key together with shift and then either the up arrow or the down arrow and you can move an item up or down a list. Number five. Paste an image into OneNote. You can right click on it, and you can copy text from that image.