[Music] oh my gosh oh my who is that me and my husband were talking about all the shows that we used to watch when we were kids and we thought let’s just try them on Full House and just see what they think from the first episode like halfway through she said mom every time I see Uncle Jesse my eyes just turn to Hearts she said can we get on a plane and go to San Francisco and meet him she called me in the bedroom right before she gave it to her and she was like you got to see where I got wh and she unfolded it and I knew I had to record her reaction her reaction really happened a whole lot sooner than I expected because if you notice in the video she doesn’t even have the blanket unfolded I think in the video all she could see was like his eye like this and she says oh my God I mean we could not believe she reacted that way oh my goodness I like him like this is your favorite thing about him the way he looks yeah [Music] I really like watch of you on TV and I would love to do you love it yeah I think she likes thank you